Fitness Classes


If you find it tough to stay motivated while exercising on your own, whether it’s getting to the gym or staying focused while you’re there, you should try group exercise! Being part of a group helps with motivation, and takes the pressure of planning a workout off of you, and it’s a great opportunity to make friends as well. Our skilled instructors make the experience fun and rewarding while giving you the chance to see serious results. We offer a wide range of group exercise classes, like Spinning classes, yoga, TRX, Zumba, and more. So, if you’re bored with the exercise routine you’ve fallen into (or out of), mix it up with one of our many group exercise classes and have fun at the club!



A high-energy indoor cycling workout that strengthens muscles and boosts cardiovascular endurance.


High-Intensity Interval Training involves short bursts of intense exercises followed by brief rest periods, designed to torch calories and improve fitness levels.

Cardio & Weights Intervals

Alternating between cardiovascular exercises and weightlifting intervals to maximize calorie burn and muscle toning.

Cardio Kickboxing

A dynamic fitness class that blends traditional kickboxing techniques with cardio exercises, enhancing both endurance and coordination.

Body Conditioning

A holistic workout focusing on improving overall strength, flexibility, and muscle endurance through various exercises.

Foundation Strength & Flexibility

A foundational class aimed at building core strength, improving flexibility, and preventing injuries through targeted exercises.


An exhilarating dance workout combining Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves for a fun-filled cardio session.


Total Body Resistance Exercise utilizes suspension straps to leverage body weight for a challenging workout that enhances strength, stability, and flexibility.